Mario Making Mods

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Name Yoshi the Great
User ID 75
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Total posts 6 (0.00 per day)
(last post 1229 days ago in Ask your SMM hacking questions here. (Hacking info))
Registered on 07-19-17, 12:28 am (1230 days ago)
Last view 06-21-18, 08:59 pm (892 days ago)
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ah, okay


Welcome back!


Okay then.


His old name used to be "maor322" on RVLution.


Welcome! BTW, um, do you know anyone called "MaorNinja"?
Unfortunately, I can no longer launch Homebrew because I updated to 5.5.2. That sucks. Is there any way to revert to 5.5.1, or am I kinda screwed until further notice?
Posted on 07-19-17, 06:51 pm in q&a Ask your SMM hacking questions here.
Alright, I guess I'll try that. I'm probably never going to make a post on this account ever again now.

Edit: So, no matter what I do, (I even tried reinstalling all of the stuff and re-decompressing all of the files, but still got this error) when I try to make the second GTX file, I get this error: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." I'm following the tutorial exactly, so I have no idea where the error could be.
Posted on 07-19-17, 01:21 am in q&a Ask your SMM hacking questions here. (rev. 1 by Yoshi the Great on 07-19-17, 05:49 pm)
Sorry that I may seem a bit stupid and oblivious and annoying; I did this once with no clue what I was doing and it was a while ago. :P But by importing, do you mean downloading SMM's files or importing the tileset into the game? Because what I'm having trouble with is getting it into the game. When I do, it basically looks like this. The texture's all screwed up and stuff. I think this was an issue with the hex values or something, but I'm not entirely sure.
Posted on 07-19-17, 01:10 am in q&a Ask your SMM hacking questions here.
It was a tileset, and I'm not sure what kind of detail you need so it was the SMB3 overworld.
Posted on 07-19-17, 01:00 am in q&a Ask your SMM hacking questions here.
I have a dump of SMM's files, yes, and Wii U. Sorry, I should've posted those details before.
Posted on 07-19-17, 12:57 am in q&a Ask your SMM hacking questions here.
So heyo, I was on RVLution and RHCafe for a year or two. Some of you may remember me. I registered here, because some months ago, a friend and I made this tileset for SMB3 and it unfortunately didn't work. I screwed up the hex values somewhere, but I really had no idea what I was doing other than following AboodXD's tutorial. Then, we just kinda forgot about the whole thing. Now, I just remembered that hack randomly, and figured hey, maybe I should ask someone here about it because they probably know the answer and I'm pretty sure it was actaully a pretty cool hack. That was a long sentence. Anyway, I remember absolutely nothing about SMM hacking so if someone could tell me where to start looking (or posting files), that'd be pretty nifty.
Posted on 07-19-17, 12:38 am in q&a Ask your SMM hacking questions here.