Mario Making Mods

  • Owner
Since: 05-17-17
From: Mushroom Kingdom
Starting from the 25th until August 10, I'm in sleepaway camp and I won't be online. Which is why I've been randomly promoting/demoting staff. But after that, I realised, that we don't need to many staff, so, um, if you need anything, contact Tums @Toms and @Sossiddle. Tomorrow, I'll be packing the whole day, so you won't see me online. But sunday til tuesday, maybe I'll come online. If you need any server stuff, contact @Tachyon42 and @Jon. If you need any SMM hacking, you can contact the SMM hackers....

I'll miss you all, and when I come back, I hope to continue SMM at its fullest.


Old 3DS XL info:
I used to have a 3DSafe A9LH V11.3.0-36U with Luma in my CTRNAND. Since ReiNAND Reibooted and Re-Reileased, I "switch"ed back.
Right now, I have boot9strap with Luma 8.0 as my CFW. Though, I'd like to see other CFW's for B9S.
Posted on 07-24-17, 02:40 pm
  • Owner
Since: 05-17-17
From: Mushroom Kingdom
Well, I'm back, so this announcement can be archived.
Old 3DS XL info:
I used to have a 3DSafe A9LH V11.3.0-36U with Luma in my CTRNAND. Since ReiNAND Reibooted and Re-Reileased, I "switch"ed back.
Right now, I have boot9strap with Luma 8.0 as my CFW. Though, I'd like to see other CFW's for B9S.
Posted on 08-11-17, 01:43 pm