Mario Making Mods

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Since: 06-06-17
I bet if I was mod I would have "OMG IT'S THE EVIL DICTATOR!!!!" from when I had my old board in like 2016 with remix10tailed.

I basically have no idea how to run a board so I'm banning everyone with weird names.

So yeah, I wouldn't be a good mod ar all.
Posted on 06-10-17, 09:43 pm in What's up? - June 8th, 2017 (rev. 1 by NightYoshi370 on 06-25-17, 06:47 am)
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Since: 06-06-17
I consider AcmlmBoard professional! All the AB lovers will be with me!

I don't consider PHPBB or MYBB professional though.
Posted on 06-10-17, 09:44 pm in Blalmboard
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Since: 06-06-17
Read at the bottom of the site "Hosted by"...

The hosting site is a reseller of Byet and uses PopMyAds JS, so popups will appear
Posted on 06-10-17, 09:45 pm in Toad Chat
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I feel that post was unnecessary.

BrawlBox never worked for me, which is why I used SZSM and cTools.
Posted on 06-10-17, 09:47 pm in tools SZS Modifier
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I'll try and help with LB if you want.
Posted on 06-11-17, 07:59 am in Blalmboard
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Since: 06-06-17
Lunarboard with an Acmlm feel! That's what I want! You could make a type of file depot, where users can upload screenshots and that with a similar layout to RVL.
Posted on 06-11-17, 06:39 pm in forumssuggestion Should we get a File Depot?
Posted on 06-11-17, 06:42 pm, deleted by NightYoshi370: Remove drama
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Since: 06-06-17
I mean the popups appear on the reseller's site.

Warez linking/hosting is illegal if you didn't know, and an act has been passed called the "Digital Economy Act", well here in the UK where if your ISP catches you watching illegal content or streaming illegal content like movies for free or using Kodi or downloading warez/pirated content can land you in jail for 10 years.

software that has been illegally copied and made available.
"if anyone is making money from selling warez, they could be prosecuted"
Posted on 06-11-17, 06:47 pm in Toad Chat (rev. 1 by theninja1000 on 06-11-17, 06:48 pm)
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Since: 06-06-17

Some of you may already know me...

Let's say I was on the old board :P.

(I love mario if you didn't saw my username :))
Welcome aboard to the Mario Modding paradise, Mario Making Mods!

Enjoy your stay here :)
Posted on 06-12-17, 09:15 pm in Introduce yourself!
Posted on 06-13-17, 03:33 pm, deleted by NightYoshi370: Drama
Posted on 06-13-17, 04:41 pm, deleted by MayroSMM: oops
theninja1000User is Offline
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Since: 06-06-17
Looks like the creator of the z-o-o-m uploader program sends the login data you insert in it to its owner and then the guy deletes all your files in your filehosting account.

Beware !
I used to use it and I wanted to know why my files were deleted. I didn't use my actual password though since all of my pw's are different. Very different.
Posted on 06-18-17, 02:27 pm in Toad Chat
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Since: 06-06-17
Welcome to MMM, Alberto. :)

You may have to tell people what that discord actually is in your signature.

and before you start posting like I said before, please don't spamvertise ;)
Posted on 06-18-17, 02:40 pm in Introduce yourself!
theninja1000User is Offline
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Since: 06-06-17
Welcome to the board Isaac, enjoy your stay here! :)
Posted on 06-19-17, 04:31 pm in Introduce yourself!
Posted on 06-20-17, 04:45 pm, deleted by NightYoshi370: Drama
theninja1000User is Offline
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Since: 06-06-17
The thing needs to be changed since they don't do SMM.
Posted on 06-20-17, 06:46 pm in GameBanana now has a SMM hacking page (rev. 1 by NightYoshi370 on 06-20-17, 06:47 pm)
theninja1000User is Offline
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Since: 06-06-17
There is a thing on the GameBanana SMM page saying about for SMM mods or something like that...
Posted on 06-20-17, 08:42 pm in GameBanana now has a SMM hacking page
theninja1000User is Offline
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Since: 06-06-17
I would prefer it here so that we are the only site to hack NSMBW and we have all the other tutorials all in one place.
Posted on 06-21-17, 07:59 pm in new forum Add NSMBW