Mario Making Mods

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Name souperman9
User ID 1470040307
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(last post 1049 days ago in HOW TO PLAY MARIO MAKER MODS (Hacking info))
Registered on 01-16-18, 01:37 am (1049 days ago)
Last view 01-29-18, 04:26 am (1036 days ago)
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I'm not sure about Wii U, but for 3DS I use Luma romfs patching. If you have luma, enable game patching in the menu by holding SELECT on boot, hovering over "Enable Game Patching" and press A. Then reboot/shutdown. On the root of your SD, go into the "luma" folder and make/enter the folder "titles". Inside there, make a folder named the titleID of Super Mario Maker. (It'll be different depending on which region it is, so make sure you've got the right one.) There, make another folder titled "romfs". Inside romfs place the folders "Textures" and "TileData" that should be in the mod you downloaded. Now simply launch SMM and everything should take place.
Posted on 01-16-18, 01:50 am in HOW TO PLAY MARIO MAKER MODS