Mario Making Mods

General information
Name Rald
User ID 1509718631
Groups Normal users
Total posts 3 (0.00 per day)
(last post 743 days ago in Super Sweet Mario Maker (Project Releases))
Registered on 08-03-18, 07:46 pm (849 days ago)
Last view 11-17-18, 08:41 pm (743 days ago)
at: /profile/1509718631-Rald
Total stars received 0
Total stars given 0
Theme New Super Mario Bros. Underground · By Dirbaio
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Layout bb
Language Board default
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no time I guess
Posted on 11-17-18, 08:28 pm in Super Sweet Mario Maker
uh it is
Posted on 08-04-18, 05:03 pm in Super Sweet Mario Maker
This mod replaces most tiles with chocolate versions, ice cream versions, or candy versions. Overall, it is a pretty sweet mod.

CEMU Installation Instructions

If you have the latest version of Mario maker fallow the
"Latest Instructions". I you have 1.0 then use 1.0 instructions

Latest Instructions
1. Take the sound.pack from the sound folder file and place it in pack file in your game folder
2. Take all the BGM files from the sound folder and put it into your gamefolder/sound/resources
3. Download the newest update (v272)
4. Take the all the files from the latest folder and put them into your model folder in your update folder (remember the update not the game folder)
5. Launch cemu and click file, then the "install update" button
6. Go and find your update files and click on the meta folder, inside choose meta.xml
7. Run your Game using Block.rpx in your game folder

1.0 Instructions
1. Take the sound.pack from the sound folder file and place it in pack file in your game folder
2. Take all the BGM files from the sound folder and put it into your gamefolder/sound/resources
3. Take the all the files from the 1.0 folder and put them into your model folder in your game folder
4. Run your Game using Block.rpx in your game folder

Posted on 08-04-18, 04:58 pm in Super Sweet Mario Maker (rev. 2 by NightYoshi370 on 03-19-19, 02:38 pm)