Mario Making Mods

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Since: 11-19-17
I haven't been able to get the file to convert back from a .DDS to a .GTX File

CMD shows me this "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." Which i have no clue how to fix.

The tileset itself is done, I just need help converting it over to the proper file format.

Quick edit: noticed a white dot in the background and took care of it.
272.12 KiB — Downloaded 20 times

MW_Field_plain.png — 16.82 KiB, viewed 81 times
Posted on 12-01-17, 10:08 am in wii usmwcompleted Chinese Super Mario World (rev. 1 by Thalonius on 12-01-17, 10:16 am)
  • Normal user
Since: 11-19-17
Windows 10 is a pain. Took me a bit, but I got the tileset done (minus the animated blocks, that will be a project for another day).

MW_Field_plain.png — 16.82 KiB, viewed 336 times

Attachment: MW_Field_plain.szs
16.11 KiB — Downloaded 34 times
Posted on 12-03-17, 09:51 am in smwwii ufield chinese super mario world
  • Normal user
Since: 11-19-17
I just imported this quickly. I haven't had time to test it, though, since I need to do something else.

oh, I figured out how to make a tileset work proper in SMM (have a download link under the png.). Testing out to see what was different in the quick import and it seems to be the same for me.

Thank you for the help though.

I should get the other thread closed and this one moved to the proper location though.
Posted on 12-03-17, 03:15 pm in smwwii ufield chinese super mario world (rev. 1 by Thalonius on 12-03-17, 03:16 pm)
  • Normal user
Since: 11-19-17
A tileset ripped from Chinese SMW. The Ceiling had to be remade because CSMW doesn't have a proper one.

Edit: did some small updates to the title set (the ugly green and white semi-soild is gone)and a slight change to the vines.
MW_Field_castle.png — 20.52 KiB, viewed 227 times

Attachment: MW_Field_castle.szs
17.36 KiB — Downloaded 56 times
Posted on 12-06-17, 04:02 pm in wii usmwcastle Chinese SMW Castle (rev. 1 by Thalonius on 12-25-17, 12:29 am)
  • Normal user
Since: 11-19-17
A tileset from the only underground level from Chinese SMW.
MW_Field_underground.png — 19.04 KiB, viewed 231 times

Attachment: MW_Field_underground.szs
18.31 KiB — Downloaded 53 times
Posted on 12-06-17, 04:16 pm in wii usmwunderground Chinese SMW Underground
  • Normal user
Since: 11-19-17
Wow, this looks like what if SMW looked on the NES. Great Job!

Helps that the bootleg SMW is made on the NES.
Posted on 12-08-17, 01:02 am in wii usmwcastle Chinese SMW Castle
  • Normal user
Since: 11-19-17
Took me a while to complete (over looked an silly tile error that took me forever to find)

Edit: Readded the bridge at the end of the stage (forgot I copied over it when fixing the tiles)
M1_Field_castle.png — 16.62 KiB, viewed 473 times

Attachment: M1_Field_castle.szs
17.36 KiB — Downloaded 129 times
Posted on 12-09-17, 02:10 am in wii ucastlesmb1 A tileset ripped from Mario Bros All Stars (rev. 2 by Thalonius on 12-09-17, 05:28 am)
  • Normal user
Since: 11-19-17
I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on All-Stars tilesets...


Oh? I know of an all star tileset made for the plains of smb1 (went back to look and I guess it is on "hold") Guess i won't worry to much about the rest of tilesets seeing as he is 40% complete with it.
Posted on 12-09-17, 02:40 am in wii ucastlesmb1 A tileset ripped from Mario Bros All Stars