Mario Making Mods

  • Normal user
Since: 06-09-17
Post all your Super Mario 64 hacks here!
Posted on 06-09-17, 07:11 pm in Super Mario 64 hacking
  • Normal user
Since: 06-09-17
Do you hack N64?
Do you have trouble with N64Rip?
Do you want to have autosaves?
Do you want to have plugins?
Do you want to view N64 models too?
Do you want to edit paletted Ci textures?

If any of the awnsers are yes, you should check out N64Rip+!
(Warning: this tool is under developement and is a very early alpha version)

Posted on 06-09-17, 07:21 pm in tools N64Rip+ (rev. 1 by NightYoshi370 on 06-09-17, 07:39 pm)
  • Normal user
Since: 06-09-17
nice, looking forward to this ig!
Posted on 08-01-18, 04:12 pm in So I'm starting a community with NY370