Since: 05-08-18
From: Planet Earth
This tutorial (like it says in the title) will teach you how to edit the Boot Screen for Super Mario Maker.
Tools you'll need.
- WinSCP : Download
- Wav2BTSND : Download
- Paint.NET : Download
- TGAVerify : Download
-Wii U (with CFW and Homebrew)
- FTPiiU_Everywhere (Download on Homebrew App Store)
-WUP Installer GX2 (Download on Homebrew App Store)
- Mocha CFW + FSHax (Download on Homebrew App Store)
- Super Mario Maker Dump ( SMM Dumping Guide )
- Computer with Python 2.7 and Java Installed
- Audacity : Download
Additional Information.
File Meanings
bootDrcTex.tga = Boot image for Gamepad
bootLogoTex.tga = Nintendo Logo (Presumably Unused)
bootTvTex.tga = Boot image for TV
iconTex.tga = Game Icon (for Home and Pause Menu)
bootSound.btsnd = Boot Sound
It is recommended that you have a unpacked version of Super Mario Maker on your computer. (The one that has the Code, Content, and Meta folder's)
This guide will permanently replace the files in your Wii U's NAND. To prevent your Wii U from bricking if your file is corrupted, it is highly recommended to Backup your original files before you inject the edited ones into the NAND.
You cannot use a Disk Version of Super Mario Maker. If you do, follow the following steps. If you downloaded SMM from the eshop, skip the following instructions.
1. Load The Homebrew Channel using your preferred method.
2. Download disk2app for Homebrew using the Homebrew App Store.
3. Remove your Super Mario Maker Disk and launch disk2app
4. Follow the onscreen instructions.
5. When the program has dumped SMM, open WUP Installer and proceed to install SMM to the NAND of your Wii U.
With that out of the way, lets get started!
- Navigate to the "meta" folder of your unpacked Super Mario Maker dump.
- Copy all the TGA's and the BTSND as a Backup and add "Orig" to the back of their name.
- Edit the files without "Orig" at the end of them.
For TGA's
- Open Paint.NET and edit the files however you like.
- When you export. Find the combination of settings that will make the file size match up to the original files.

(bootDrcTex.tga's file size)
- Drag TGAVerify to the folder with your Edited TGA's and double-click it.
- If it says "All TGA's verified" then it worked.
- Duplicate the BTSND and add "Copy" to the end of it (If you havent done so already) and Open Audacity
- Open the clip that you want to replace the Boot Sound with and at the bottom of your window change the Project Rate to 48000
- Export the clip as a WAV signed 16 bit PCM with Stereo Sound (2 Sound Channels)
- Open a command window and instert the following command : java -jar [wav2btsnd.jar] -in [insert file name here.wav] -out bootSound2.btsnd -loopPoint [insert loop point sample number here]
- If you dont know what to put for the Loop Point Sample Number, just put 0
- The program should spit out a file called "bootSound2.btsnd", remove the 2 from the name and overwrite any file with the same name (We have the backups, remember)
Now for the Fun Part
1. Open the Homebrew Launcher and load Mocha CFW + FSHax and press A
- If it worked, the Gamepad should show the Mocha CFW Logo and spit you back to the Home Menu
2. Re-open the Homebrew Launcher and load FTPiiU_Everywhere
- You should see a listing number on the bottom of the screen.
Ex. 123.456.789.00:21
3. Open WinSCP and for the host name, type in the first 11 numbers along with the periods.
4. For the Port number, it should be the last two numbers of your listing.
Ex. 21
5. Check-Mark "Anonymous Login" and Login.
6. On the right box, go to: "storage_mlc/usr/title/0005000e/1018dc00/meta"
7. On the left box go to where you have your edited files and drag them into the right box. Overwrite them.
8. Close out WinSCP and press the Home button on the Wii U.
9. Return to the Home Menu
10. Boot Super Mario Maker and the boot screen has been edited.
Yay! End of the tutorial, if you have any questions or things aren't working out as I say, feel free to tell me in the Quick Reply section down below.
Posted on 06-10-19, 02:28 am