Super Mario Maker Hacking News
We have new Super Mario Odyssey themes from GRAnimated, Buntendo & Hüseyin the Mighty. We also now have a Wooden Airship theme.
Mario Making Mods News
-Yoshi Gone Missing has unfortunately got cancelled.
-We are now celebrating Halloween on the forum with a theme made by Gota7
-We now have a new forum feature: Thread search! This can help you easily find threads on a forum page, but unfortunately, it doesn't look through all the pages, and you'll need to have JavaScript enabled for this.
-We made a newer version of the [ thread ] BBCode which doesn't display the tags.
-Sadly, IRC is gone from the forum, due to drama.
-We now have a Patreon! It'll give you some neat benefits on the forums, and will help pay for the forums new hosting.
-We have made a new Youtube video, showcasing all of our past mods.