ARM9 access? wut?
ARM9 is the security processor of the 3DS, which is what GodMode9/HourGlass9 exploits in order to dump a 3DS title. Here are a list of ways you can tell if you have ARM9 access:
- Have A9LH
- Be on FW 9.0 to 11.3
- Have Boot9Strap
- Have sighax
- Have a DS Flashcart and a magnet.
- Have a DS flashcart and is on FW 4.1-1.5 and 6.0-6.2
- Have a browser exploit on some FWs
What you need
- Ability to load ARM9 Payloads (read above)
- If you have ARM9LoaderHax, Sighax, B9S or the flashcart method, use the latest release of Hourglass9.
- If you are using the Homebrew Launcher, MSET exploit, Browser to launch ARM9 payloads, use an older release of GodMode9
- Boot up GodMode9 using the ARM9 entryway you are using.
- Enter the drive applicable to the type of title you wish to dump.
**User Installed Title:** Enter the[A:] SYSNAND SD
**System Title:** Enter the[1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND
- Enter the
- Find the title/.tmd file you want to dump
- Open up the tmd file options
- Go to the
dump cxi/nds file
folder on the root of the SD card. The name could be one of the following:<Title ID> <Title Name> (<Product Code>) (<Region>).cxi
<Title ID> (<Product Code>).cxi