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Since: 04-03-18
This is my first mod. So if you see something strange don't put nervous. Well have fun! (Credits in the folder) P:D Im spanish so if you see again something strange in this post don't put nervous. Mod working: _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-02-18, 02:01 pm
in NSMBWii Volcano Outside Theme for SMM (rev. 7 by WillyMaker on 05-02-18, 07:00 pm)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Someone delete this please i post this 2 times! _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-02-18, 02:03 pm
in Someone delete this i post this 2 times! (rev. 1 by WillyMaker on 05-02-18, 02:07 pm)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Eh... you not see the downoald? And i putting the images right now. Edit: Done! _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-02-18, 02:11 pm
in NSMBWii Volcano Outside Theme for SMM (rev. 3 by WillyMaker on 05-02-18, 06:39 pm)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
When you read Bowser and not Browser. Well thanks if you try an 3DS port. _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-02-18, 02:15 pm
in NSMBWii Volcano Outside Theme for SMM
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Ok thanks for that. And i don't know where the blocks go in the tileset but well. _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-03-18, 05:29 am
in NSMBWii Volcano Outside Theme for SMM (rev. 1 by WillyMaker on 05-03-18, 05:48 am)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
The question for? _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-03-18, 09:27 pm
in NSMBWii Volcano Outside Theme for SMM
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Well i think what some people want this. (If someone want to help me with the bg i gonna thank him) Thanks to Unsavory Maggot for make the Outside desert. Thanks for Buntendo for make the two last decorations blocks (expands) YT Video: _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-04-18, 07:06 pm
in smmnsmbwu version Desertic cave for SMM (rev. 11 by WillyMaker on 05-06-18, 08:49 pm)
WillyMaker |
Posted on 05-06-18, 07:25 am, deleted by WillyMaker
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Thanks for remember, i,m very clueless. _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
I,m not a good texture creator. Sorry. _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-06-18, 07:22 pm
in smmnsmbwu version Desertic cave for SMM (rev. 1 by WillyMaker on 05-06-18, 07:23 pm)
WillyMaker |
Posted on 05-06-18, 09:10 pm, deleted by WillyMaker
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Well this is my first custom level of NSMBU and the first time what i do things with the lava. Enjoy! (I fixed the blocks of the start) Video: _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-13-18, 01:47 pm
in nsmbucustom level The falling lava (rev. 3 by WillyMaker on 05-13-18, 02:04 pm)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Thanks. I will make another soon _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-13-18, 02:49 pm
in nsmbucustom level The falling lava (rev. 2 by WillyMaker on 05-13-18, 04:37 pm)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Well here is the second custom level. Enjoy! http://www.mediafire.com/file/b7jnrdfrdodr9vc/1-1.szs Video: _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-15-18, 07:57 pm
in nsmbucustom level Overworld Mix (rev. 3 by WillyMaker on 05-15-18, 08:02 pm)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Please a beach theme. _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-24-18, 12:55 pm
in wiiusmbsmb3 Modding Ideas (rev. 2 by WillyMaker on 05-24-18, 01:16 pm)
WillyMaker |
Posted on 05-26-18, 01:49 pm, deleted by WillyMaker
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Well, there are right now a volcano theme for SMB1 version: https://mariomods.net/thread/318-smb1-volcano In the comments of that post i port the mod but left the BG because idk how to put. If someone can help me with the bg... yei! _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-27-18, 02:18 pm
in wiiusmbsmb3 Modding Ideas (rev. 1 by WillyMaker on 05-27-18, 02:19 pm)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Thanks!, yei! _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 05-27-18, 06:55 pm
in wiiusmbsmb3 Modding Ideas (rev. 1 by WillyMaker on 05-27-18, 06:56 pm)
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Mario Making Mods _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |
Posted on 06-02-18, 08:31 am
in wip Tierage's Forum in Super Mario Maker
Smell like... create a mod!
Since: 04-03-18
Third custom level, yei! Downoald: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9dtdqxbhh6lszfy/1-23.szs Youtube Video: _________________________ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDaY5sapkDhqlBBNJnW-Og
Wii U ID: guillebros 3DS ID: 3411 1273 2115 Smell like... Create a level! |