Mario Making Mods

  • Owner
Since: 05-17-17
From: Mushroom Kingdom
What you'll need!

~ The latest version of Cemu SMMDB

1. Extract the 2.1.0 zip to the same location as the zip.
2. Open the .exe file.
3. When it says to look for "cemu smm folder", look at (cemu directory)/mlc01/emulatorSave/(title id of SMM)/
4. click "load (cemu version)"

If you don't know your title ID, try every folder in that directory.
Old 3DS XL info:
I used to have a 3DSafe A9LH V11.3.0-36U with Luma in my CTRNAND. Since ReiNAND Reibooted and Re-Reileased, I "switch"ed back.
Right now, I have boot9strap with Luma 8.0 as my CFW. Though, I'd like to see other CFW's for B9S.
Posted on 08-15-17, 12:32 am