Mario Making Mods News
-MakerBoard is growing stronger than ever, with all the new Depot changes, up to the new RPG stats. But there are still alot more things that need to be implemented. If you are interested in helping out, why not check our github repo?
-Mario Making Mods has been running for 9 months. I couldn't have done this without your help. Thank you all.
-We have gotten a new logo made by Buntendo. If it doesn't appear for you, press CTRL + F5 if you are using a Windows PC.
-The most votes have been released.
-We have removed our patreon. Now, everything should be released for free, without some silly payment method.
-We have ran our first Super Mario Maker hax Kahoot game. More events to come in the future.
Super Mario Maker Haxs
-Time to ramp up the engine, as Super Mario Maker: Vanilla Revamped has gotten a January 2018 beta release.
-a new SMB3 All-Stars mod has been released by Otomo.
-A new SMB1 All-Stars mod has been released by

-A new Rainbow mod has been released by Smalllevy.
-A new SMW mod, based off of Piranha island, has been released.
-Gotta get those shiny new coins, with the new Coin mod by

...and many more to be found in our depot, now with more organization
A bus driver and a doctor both like a certain woman. The bus driver has to leave, but before he does so, he gives her 7 apples. Why?