Mario Making Mods

  • Normal user
Since: 03-05-18

General information
Name craftersshaft
User ID 1142631347
Groups Normal users
Total posts 7 (0.01 per day)
(last post 839 days ago in SMB Gold (General Modding))
Registered on 03-05-18, 01:04 am (1001 days ago)
Last view 02-03-19, 12:34 am (666 days ago)
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Total stars received 1 [View...]
From: Sm-ArtThings (1)
Total stars given 0
Theme New Super Mario Bros. Castle Theme · By Dirbaio
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
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Super Mario Maker Kahoot Game 3/4/18 Participant
Super Mario Maker Kahoot Game 3/4/18 - 3rd place
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gonintendo reported on this, updated smas all stars smb1
Posted on 08-13-18, 10:16 pm in warioware gold3ds modding SMB Gold
re-organized the main post, sml2 1-2 and 1-3 should be good now
Posted on 07-28-18, 03:54 pm in warioware gold3ds modding SMB Gold

SMB Gold is a series of mods for the Super Mario Bros. Microgame in WarioWare Gold. This has only been tested on a US 3ds but should work with any region.

NOTE: All screenshots represent the first released version and some have been updated in-game.

Posted on 07-28-18, 03:59 am in warioware gold3ds modding SMB Gold (rev. 7 by craftersshaft on 08-13-18, 10:22 pm)
Welcome to the guide. This guide will show you how to easily center enemies with a spin on the SM64 Fence technique.

Place down a bomb on the lower right corner of where your enemy will be, then spawn two enemies that when big, equal to 2x2 size.

For this example, we use a Chain Chomp as our first enemy, and a placeholder one (in this case a goomba) as our second.

All the enemies except for what you stack onto the placeholder have to be one block above from each other.

After you've placed your enemies, stack another enemy on to the placeholder. It should look like this:

This may not work if you're trying to spawn this from going up or down, but it seems to work when you're just walking up to it.

With the power of mods, you can even make custom statues by editing the chain chomp's block. Maybe make your own 3-block Bill Blaster?

Posted on 04-26-18, 11:26 am in tutorial How to Make a centered enemy
Here, try this:
Posted on 04-13-18, 11:03 am in Unlock All Super Mario Maker 3DS?
This is a mod for SMM:3DS That replaces the Piranha Plant with Parrot Grass, and the chain chomp's pole with a flower pot.

To make a potted parrot grass, place a bomb on the ground, then place a chain chomp 2 blocks above. Then place the Piranha Plant lots of blocks above.

Download for 3DS Here, or use the attachment down below if you can't download it from discord.
Attachment: Parrot
92.15 KiB — Downloaded 28 times
Posted on 03-25-18, 12:45 am in 3dsenemy Parrot Grass in SMM:3DS!
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Posted on 03-07-18, 11:14 pm in Slicc Bicc costume