Since: 05-20-17
General information | |
Name | ![]() |
User ID | 17 |
Groups | Normal users |
Rank | ![]() Goomba |
To next rank | 10 posts |
Total posts | 25 (0.02 per day) (last post 971 days ago in Toad Chat (Forgotten Depths)) |
Registered on | 05-20-17, 03:55 pm (1289 days ago) |
Last view | 05-02-18, 10:20 pm (942 days ago) at: /thread/592-nsmbwii-volcano-outside-theme-for-smm |
Total stars received | 11 [View...] From: IceFairyAmy (3), ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Total stars given | 4 To: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Presentation | |
Theme | Super Mario Bros. Underground · by NightYoshi370 & Buntendo |
Items per page | 20 posts, 50 threads |
Layout | AcmlmBoard Layout |
Language | Board default |
RPG Status |
![]() |
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Weapons | Nothing |
Armor | Nothing |
Shields | Nothing |
Helmets | Nothing |
Boots | Nothing |
Accessories | Nothing |
Games | Nothing |
Consoles | Nothing |
Pokemon | Nothing |
User Badges |
Most Votes 2017 - Most likely to fall in love over the internet with 2 votes |
Most Votes 2017 - Most likely to question death with 2 votes |
Most Votes 2017 - Most likely to question life with 2 votes |
that data was in a public database though
(or at least, that what i made months ago)
the comment is still in the database too
Tell maor to hire a trruck in delhi or else i pull a staplebutter
Lol, it wasn't in the trash. It was in the general hacking forums.
IceFairyAmyYay admin again |
IceFairyAmyy u no post on my board when it's actually active for once xd |
IceFairyAmywhat is the thread about? |
IceFairyAmycool, do you wanna also contribute some stuff on my forum at some point lol ^^ |
IceFairyAmyx3 |
IceFairyAmyYou're such an idiot. -.- |
IceFairyAmy^^ |
IceFairyAmynvm |
IceFairyAmywait why aren't you admin anymor |
IceFairyAmyYw ^^ |
IceFairyAmy<3 |
IceFairyAmyYAY ADMIN |
IceFairyAmyAwwwwwww |
you mistook drama with life advice, and telling someone to stop doing something who already says "Anyways, enough of that" and already starts a new topic seems a bit unnecessary, don't you think :| *Anyways*, if you do play it, feel free to DM me on Discord if you want to add me there, and eventually hate me cos I play a Sylvan deck :P |
Posted on 04-03-18, 11:15 pm in Toad Chat |
"the account above is indeed jamie" o.o wow now i feel insulted new Edit( Also, why would you call your friends "14 to 15 years old social rejects" who were brainwashed by you? :| ) Anyways, enough of that. Jamie, a) get out of my life and b) if you know what's best for everybody involved, then why are you still using the internet. Grab some books. Read. Whatever. Get some fresh air, I don't know, and I don't care. What I do know, however, is that if you can't improve yourself, no one will improve you. You seem to be stuck. A therapist might help. I don't want a response, by the way, so please don't bother reregistering or trying to contact me in whatever ways. As you seem to be aware of what you've done, I will not refrain to give you yet another chance if the day comes when you will be willing to actually work on yourself. Anyways, enough of that. Any of you guys play Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links? |
Posted on 04-03-18, 10:44 pm
in Toad Chat (rev. 3 by ![]() |
![]() Sorry for my harsh words, but we both know that they are much better reasoned and much less harsh than those you direct at me behind my back. |
Posted on 04-03-18, 09:07 am
in Toad Chat (rev. 2 by ![]() |
nx-python is an ecosystem for developing and running Python homebrew applications on the Nintendo Switch. Pynx serves as the entry point to this ecosystem and allows you to run Python apps on your Switch. It is a homebrew app that contains a port of the CPython interpreter and allows you to run Python applications from the Homebrew Menu. Just name your application main.py and place it next to the Pynx.nro, and it will be executed as soon as you launch Pynx from the Homebrew Menu. Simply grab a release build and copy the content of the ZIP archive into the /switch folder on your SD card. Pynx will appear on the Homebrew Menu. Currently, Python 3.5 is supported. Basic things should work fine, but for many advanced things, like PyGame, you will have to wait a bit until they are supported. This also includes threading, as well as the signal module. Those are high priority, though, so you won't have to wait for them for too long, hopefully. I hope nx-python will allow many more people to develop awesome homebrew applications for the Switch. :) If you encounter a problem, make sure to join our Discord and tell us about it, or, alternatively, reply to this thread. Quick links: Download | Discord | SourceSpecial thanks to DavidBuchanan314, MarcuzD, Stary2001 and several other people from ReSwitched as well as the SwitchBrew team, the devkitPro team, and the Python Software Foundation. |
Posted on 03-20-18, 11:56 pm in nx-python: Create Switch homebrew software in Python! |
A preview screenshot would be nice. :) |
Posted on 03-07-18, 12:46 pm in remakercostumetheme Alex Kidd from Miracle World (Theme & Skin) |
Guess it would be for the best. If you are being honest for once, that is. I've been hearing the same old "I'm going to leave the internet" from you far too often to believe it at all, so... hard to believe you here, to say the least. Anyways, away from that. Switch hacking is starting to look promising, with the recent release of the HBL and the tease of coldboot hax. |
Posted on 02-27-18, 08:10 pm
in Toad Chat (rev. 1 by ![]() |
I am currently cleaning up / partly rewriting Miyamoto. As soon as that's done, I will start writing a feature that will allow you to use any number of tilesets in a level. More features are already planned. More interesting things will be revealed soon. |
Posted on 08-07-17, 09:42 am in nsmbu Miyamoto! |
It would be really cool if you could also add custom background music to this theme. :) |
Posted on 08-06-17, 08:43 am in Castle Bleck Theme |
I just hope I won't be too professional because that wouldn't help the project. :3 Anyways, I'm hyped for this project, too, and I'll do my best to make it a nice game everybody will enjoy playing. ^^ |
Posted on 07-01-17, 10:55 am in nsmbu Other Super Mario Bros. U |
Yes, Pablobro joined the team! Aaand, we merged our efforts with The Other Super Mario Bros. U project. This thread can be closed now. :) |
Posted on 06-29-17, 11:35 am in nsmbu Dragoneel U |
Multiple endings won't be a thing, that would be too far away from the Mario games we know and love. Give me a bit to update the first post. |
Posted on 06-27-17, 08:09 pm in nsmbu Dragoneel U |
Same here, I already know how to do this. ^^ Will definitely be the gimmick of a world in Dragoneel U, I just need to decide which world's. |
Posted on 06-22-17, 08:11 am in nsmbu Idea Depot |
Dragoneel U So, this is returning? |
Posted on 06-22-17, 08:09 am
in nsmbu Dragoneel U (rev. 1 by ![]() |
Dragoneel U is an ambitious modification of Newer Super Mario Bros. U that features new worlds, a new creative storyline developed around Mario & his friends and the Dragoneel race and some new game elements that allow for new level design ideas to be made real. World 1: Lava Land, Bowser's Castle & Airship World 2: Beach, Grassland & Savannah World 3: Jungle, Rainy Jungle & Seaside Jungle World 4: Mines, Dark Caves & Crystal Caves World 5: Desert, Desert at Night & Pyramid World 6: Canyon, Mountains & Icy Peaks World 7: Volcano Slopes, Beach & Ocean World 8: Huge Underwater Temple World 9: Sky Lifts, Floating Islands, Sky, Magic Rainbow, Hidden Realm & The Final Level World 1 is because Mario, Luigi and the Toads need to steal Bowser's freshly repaired Airship to get to the Dragoneel Island. Why? Idk yet. :P Anti-Gravity Switch/Baby Yoshi Tell me what you think so far. ^^ I'm also super open to any and all ideas, so, if there's something you want to see in this mod, really, feel free to just suggest it. |
Posted on 06-21-17, 07:12 am in nsmbu Dragoneel U |
As some of us do not have the required dedication, skill or resources (yes, some of us don't have a PC and/or Wii U) required to build an NSMBU mod but still have lots of ideas, I decided to create this thread. It is also useful for people who do create their mods, but decide not to implement an idea because it would be too much, or because it wouldn't fit to the rest of their mod. You can post ideas of custom sprites, custom levels, custom power-ups and story ideas here. I'll start by posting the Trello board of Dragoneel U, a discontinued NSMBU hack. The Trello board has some decent level theme ideas you could take inspiration from. You can also feel free to just blatantly revive (part of) Dragoneel U if you want to. I hope to see some amazing ideas in this thread! I think it's okay if your post will be a bit short in the case you have just one idea to post about. Edit: I removed the link to the Trello board as I will probably continue this hack soon. :) |
Posted on 06-17-17, 11:07 am
in nsmbu Idea Depot (rev. 1 by ![]() |
It's far from easy to edit the world map of New Super Mario Bros. Wii without Newer. If you really want to edit the world map, then you will have to get Newer, a working Reggie! for Newer, and other stuff. If this is your first hack, maybe let it be this time and just edit the levels, I guess, but it's up to you, of course. |
Posted on 06-14-17, 08:29 pm in ongoing Hero's Super Mario Bros |
I have experienced that a search function is not really useful when trying to find a question, mainly because you don't know how they worded the question. I feel that a chat, such as Discord or IRC (I prefer Discord because you could just add custom commands to the bot for frequently asked questions), is a better fit for this. |
Posted on 06-14-17, 04:13 pm in Questions and Answers thread? |
Hey, nice to see you have joined the New Super Mario Bros. Wii hacking community! I see, you're coming from Super Mario Maker, aren't you? ^^ Those ideas might be nice in a Super Mario Maker level, but maybe not for a real Mario level. If you were Nintendo, would you really allow players to gain tons of 1UPs that quickly? Nintendo is our idol when it comes to level design. Nintendo also wouldn't trap a player. :) Again, great to see you joined us, and I hope we will be able to help you build awesome levels! :) |
Posted on 06-14-17, 03:51 pm in ongoing Hero's Super Mario Bros |
Well, you can surely help out with that without being a mod. :) |
Posted on 06-12-17, 07:50 am in What's up? - June 8th, 2017 |
Feel free to read up on responsive web design if you want to learn about how Lunarboard's mobile layout works. |
Posted on 06-10-17, 10:06 pm
in New upcoming forum software: Lunarboard (rev. 1 by ![]() |