So, um, anyways, I was looking at Jamie's forum, and I saw a thread about the 16-bit console wars. I thought it would be a nice thread to have here as well.
So, um, what was the best console during the 16-bit era?
I prefer the Sega Genesis because of these four simple reasons:
a) Add-ons, b) Sonic, c) 6 buttons instead of 4. d) Music
Now, the add-ons mean that you can basically play any game on this bad boy. I know that there were add-ons for the SNES, but there was just one made (Super Gameboy), and SNES add-ons were only allowed to be added to the cartridge slot.
The Genesis, on the other hand, had 3: A Sega CD cartridge, a Sega CD side, and a Sega 32X. (I won't go in depth on them here because this is a 16-bit war, not CD/32 bit war.)
Now, for sonic, I love having fun with him. I mean, sure, Mario has higher quality games as a platformer, but I rarely found myself playing that. But sonic, I love playing back with, especially Sonic 3 and Sonic CD, although, I can't include CD on this list.
The six button layout is something I never understood why Sega would add it, but it would make an excellent addition. Too bad no one uses them.
And finally, my most important opinion of this argument, and last but certainly not least, the Music. While I like the classic songs, the Sega Genesis feels like if it had modern instruments.