Mario Making Mods

SamplasionUser is Offline
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Since: 11-15-17
Downside: I had to use the SMW Airship since I dont have any 3DS files for the SMW Castle theme.
Just rename the files and you're ready to go
Also, dynastylobster, that blue semisolid doesn't repeat properly

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Posted on 01-18-18, 07:38 am in scrap brain zone (rev. 3 by Samplasion on 01-18-18, 07:40 am)
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Since: 11-15-17
that was a quick reply

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Posted on 01-18-18, 07:41 am in scrap brain zone (rev. 1 by Samplasion on 01-18-18, 07:42 am)
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Since: 11-15-17
Ok, so some days ago I found out how to edit byaml files on 3DS, so here's how:
You'll need:
To convert to XML:
  1. Open The 4th Dimension
  2. Open File > Byml converter > Byml -> Xml
  3. Change the filter (in the lower-right corner) from .byaml to *.*
  4. Select your file
  5. Enter a name to save the XML
To re-convert a XML to a byaml
  1. Open The 4th Dimension
  2. Open File > Byml converter > Xml -> Byml
  3. Select your XML file
  4. Enter a name to save the byml
  5. Go to the directory in which you saved the byml and rename its extension from .byml to .byaml

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Posted on 01-24-18, 02:14 pm in How to convert 3DS byamls
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Since: 11-15-17
Oh, I was confused I meant Donut Secret 2

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Posted on 01-24-18, 05:52 pm in 3dswip Super Mario World Snow Theme v0.1
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Since: 11-15-17
I vote for buntendo's because i like it

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Posted on 01-24-18, 06:43 pm in Mario Making Mods Logo Voting
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Since: 11-15-17
Cool mod! It's a shame we can't fully play it on 3ds, though.

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Posted on 01-24-18, 06:56 pm in Super Mario Brothers Special Theme (rev. 1 by Samplasion on 01-24-18, 06:57 pm)
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Since: 11-15-17
you cannot add backgrounds to SMB underground unless you use ASM (code editing) or if you want to replace it with another theme's background with byaml editing.
And where should one ASM-hack his background?

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Posted on 01-24-18, 06:59 pm in q&a Ask your SMM hacking questions here.
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Since: 11-15-17
Now the Wii U ver. works

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Posted on 01-26-18, 08:28 pm in 3ds Bonneton / Cap Kingdom
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Here's all we can do on the 3DS: here
Edit: I should've specified it before; it's the 3DS port of the 201i8 January beta

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Posted on 01-27-18, 11:24 am in smm2nintendo switch Super Mario Maker: Vanilla Revamped (rev. 2 by Samplasion on 01-27-18, 05:13 pm)
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Since: 11-15-17
To be honest I found this randomly while editing SM3DL levels, but, if Hüseyin the Mighty wants, I can put in the guide his method, too (which I don't know)

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Posted on 01-30-18, 05:43 am in How to convert 3DS byamls (rev. 1 by Samplasion on 01-30-18, 05:44 am)
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Since: 11-15-17
Woah cool now I can add my sh**ty BG to my Bonneton mod!
JK, good job!

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Posted on 01-30-18, 02:35 pm in wii u How to add backgrounds!
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Since: 11-15-17
Woah! If you haven't started SMB3 yet, I'm working on an overworld tileset. If you want, I can send it to you.

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Posted on 02-01-18, 02:52 pm in wii u3dssmb1smb3smw Super Mario Maker All-Stars (+Super Mario World) (rev. 1 by Samplasion on 02-01-18, 02:52 pm)
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Since: 11-15-17

I like it

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Posted on 02-02-18, 06:34 pm in smb13ds Odyssey in 8-bit set
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Since: 11-15-17
woah! cool!
but, where's the download link?

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Posted on 02-07-18, 06:56 pm in 3dswip Ghost Mario (rev. 1 by Samplasion on 02-07-18, 06:57 pm)
Posted on 02-11-18, 05:30 pm, deleted by Samplasion
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Since: 11-15-17

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Posted on 02-11-18, 05:32 pm in releasedwiiu Super Mario Bros.3 Allstars
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A bus driver and a doctor both like a certain woman. The bus driver has to leave, but before he does so, he gives her 7 apples. Why?
Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away and the bus driver can stay with her

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Posted on 02-15-18, 04:29 pm in What's up? - Febuary 14th, 2018
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BTW, uh, with the help of Samplasion, I found a way to add backgrounds to the 3DS version. I wanna test it with a mod.

Can you send me some backgrounds that you'd like from this mod?
did it work?

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Posted on 02-17-18, 08:45 pm in smb13ds Odyssey in 8-bit set
SamplasionUser is Offline
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Since: 11-15-17
what a shame

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Posted on 02-18-18, 08:39 am in smb13ds Odyssey in 8-bit set
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Since: 11-15-17
I made that but it only removed the grid, as NightYoshi said. I hope we'll be able to hack backgrounds soon

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Posted on 02-19-18, 03:58 pm in wii u How to add backgrounds!