Mario Making Mods

SamplasionUser is Offline
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Since: 11-15-17
that's like all done

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Posted on 02-24-18, 10:24 am in What happened
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We're having problems with GRANimated's WiiU getting banned.

UPDATE: I'll try to judge the levels (except for mine, of course) myself because of the delay.
I'd be pleased to know the results, thanks

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Posted on 03-02-18, 04:12 pm in Mario Making Mods Level Design Contest #1!
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Since: 11-15-17
[11:32 PM] Buntendo: also
[11:32 PM] Buntendo: dont porn smmvr yet
[11:32 PM] Buntendo: we're releasing a new version soon
[11:32 PM] NightYoshi370: "dont porn"
[11:32 PM] Buntendo: wait did i say porn
[11:33 PM] NightYoshi370: :clap:
[11:33 PM] NightYoshi370: :rofl:
[11:33 PM] Buntendo: fuck
[11:33 PM] Buntendo: i've been watching too much porn

nightyoshi told me to post this
You forgot the part when Adam (RaymanFan1995) said: nonsense you can never watch too much porn

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Posted on 03-08-18, 06:30 am in The Quotes Thread
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Since: 11-15-17
Some images wouldn’t have been bad, you think?

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Posted on 08-20-18, 06:32 pm in Super Sweet Mario Maker
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I have a ps2, a ps4, a nswitch, a n3ds, a broken ps2slim, an xbox360 and... that’s done

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Posted on 08-23-18, 07:30 pm in What consoles do you own?
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Also why no love or ownership of the PlayStation? :(
I mean, you are on a forum about Nintendo, of course there won't be much playstation owners. But here we have Samplasion, the first person in this thread to own a PlayStation.
Really am I the first? Wow... I thought there were more PS owners.

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Posted on 08-24-18, 06:39 pm in What consoles do you own?
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Since: 11-15-17
For anyone asking, GRA was referring to the manual method

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Posted on 09-07-18, 09:32 am in tutorialwii uv1.2 delta How To: SMM (StaticSkin) Texture Expansion Tool v1.2 Delta
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the .BCH file
Is this on the 3DS or the Wii U?

I assume this is for 3DS, because bch files are the 3DS ver’s SMM models

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Posted on 09-07-18, 09:34 am in impossible Importing a NSMBU Mario model
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Since: 11-15-17
Uh no, those names are correct. Believe me I know a lot about Kirby.

Also no surprise if those ranks are weird
Maybe he was referring to the US names? Just sayin

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Posted on 09-07-18, 10:14 am in Typos in the kirby ranks
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the download's not there
Can i have a link to a mirror please?

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Posted on 09-08-18, 01:53 pm in wii usmm2 wip New Super Mario Bros DS
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Since: 11-15-17
Good! I like it 👀! (btw Downoald)

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Posted on 10-08-18, 01:32 pm in smm wii u Dry Bowser in SMB1
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Since: 11-15-17
Where's screenshots?

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Posted on 10-14-18, 08:28 pm in Nothing Mod! 0.1 (Wii U) (Release)
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Ok, but every time you finish your console will set on fire and you'll have to buy another and restart.

I wish I could do the mods I want on my PC without it broking

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Posted on 10-15-18, 02:32 pm in game Corrupt-a-wish (rev. 1 by Samplasion on 10-15-18, 02:38 pm)
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Since: 11-15-17
There is a guide on how to run this at guide How to run PointlessMaker™.

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Posted on 10-17-18, 05:10 am in PointlessMaker
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I'm Having Trouble!
I Can't Run It, It Will Always Give Me An Error!

What error is it giving? I might possiby help you

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Posted on 11-07-18, 02:33 pm in guide How to run PointlessMaker™
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Since: 11-15-17
Granted, but every month the DB duplicates each user

I wish Windows made a non-crappy version of Windows called Windows 11

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Posted on 11-16-18, 04:31 am in game Corrupt-a-wish
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Granted, but every 10 minutes the game corrupts some more

I wish Nintendo makes Mario Maker Switch

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Posted on 11-23-18, 06:19 am in game Corrupt-a-wish
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Granted, but anything else you want to eat makes you throw up

I wish my PC was capable of installing Windows without corrupting for every reason in the world

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Posted on 11-24-18, 10:38 am in game Corrupt-a-wish
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Since: 11-15-17
[...]what if their birthday truly is November 31st?
Ugh... you mean 30th... right?

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Posted on 12-02-18, 08:38 am in What's happening?
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Since: 11-15-17
Aww, I missed those!

Most friendly NightYoshi370 MoonlightCapital
Most helpful NightYoshi370 MoonlightCapital
Most creative
Most depressing A Kramer Randomness
Most missed
Best copycat Jamie
Most relaxed

Best regular user
Best staff member
Best banned user (do not nominate tempbanned users) theninja1000

Best username
Best avatar
Best post layout
Most likely to break the board with their post layout
Best bio Miky88 tee

Best artist Buntendo
Best programmer MoonlightCapital NightYoshi370
Laziest Miky88 tee
Most likely to start a ton of projects and never finish them Samplasion Gatete

Most likely to appear at random
Most likely to start a posting spree A Kramer Randomness
Most likely to have half of the board's posts in one year NightYoshi370
Most likely to get promoted GRAnimated
Most likely to show up once then disappear forever Miky88
Best Shitposter Hüseyin the Mighty

Most likely to hack the board MoonlightCapital
Best potential leader Hüseyin the Mighty
Most likely to go from banned to overlord MoonlightCapital

Best level designer Epic_stuff
Best Mod Maker
Most likely to make a level with a 0.01% clear rate TheNawab
Most likely to die at the last second without a checkpoint
Most likely to spamvertise their custom theme

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Posted on 12-05-18, 04:33 pm in Mario Making Mods - Most Votes 2018 (rev. 2 by Samplasion on 12-29-18, 02:19 pm)