Mario Making Mods News
- Today is our 1 year anniversary!!! I'd like to thank you all for helping us become what we've become today. However, I'd like to give a few shoutouts to some people.
zachabossaloler for being the one and only co-founder of our community.
- Aileen Lumina, for buying us this awesome domain for us to use
GRAnimated for being a great moderator and helping us sort out some stuff regarding organization.
Hüseyin the Mighty for being an amazing administrator of this amazing community
- TheNawab for being the head of the youtube channel
- Marrok (who doesn't have an account here) for paying for our VPS
- Finally, I'd like to thank all of you guys here on both the forum and discord, for just being awesome and active.
- We now have full & HTTPS support. What this means:
- Discord will now have Rich Embeds for links of the board.
- Security will be much higher.
- MaryO, our fine Github bot, will now actually work
- There will be a new Youtube video posted by TheNawab for our 1 year celebration
- The new Mario Emoji's are here, and they're better than ever.
. A full list of emoji's will be in the FAQ soonTM
Super Mario Maker NewsLetter
- A new update has been made for the Super Mario All Stars mod by
Louis Miles. Mini-level previews now work with the new backgrounds and now show the background replacements.
- The Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins mod has also gotten an update. There are New Backgrounds, New and improved Sprites, New Soundeffects, New and improved Editing Music, Working Fanfare Music and more
- Yet another Grassland theme has been made. Greener Grassier Ground
- A new mod has been released, which replaces SMB1 enemies and characters with Twitter artists.
1. What is attractive but has no charm?
2. Feed me and I will live. Give me a drink and I will die. What am I?